Unwritten - Independent logging library

UnwrittenLogfile.UnwrittenLoggingType Enumeration

The UnwrittenLogfile.UnwrittenLoggingType enumeration is ued to select the mode which the logging engine (or only the logfile) should use for logging.

[Visual Basic]
Public Enum UnwrittenLogfile.UnwrittenLoggingType
public enum UnwrittenLogfile.UnwrittenLoggingType


Member NameDescription
UnwrittenDebug Write a debug message.
UnwrittenInformation Write a information message.
UnwrittenWarning Write a warning.
UnwrittenError Write a error message.


Namespace: FuturesNet.IO.Unwritten

Assembly: FuturesNet.IO.Unwritten (in FuturesNet.IO.Unwritten.dll)

See Also

FuturesNet.IO.Unwritten Namespace